November 2023:

Please consider our film for your year end giving!!!

We have filmed with Jonathan for years, interviewed over 40 of his friends, family and colleagues, and have collected archival materials from Jonathan’s New York Public Library archive as well as from sources across the nation. We are now ready to start the highly detailed, time intensive process of boiling down all of these materials in the editing room into a moving and emotional film.

In the past 6 months we have raised $27,000 toward our fund-raising goal of $80,000 for 6-8 months of editing. Help us raise the remaining $53,000!

DONATE ONLINE NOW to make a tax-deductible gift, or…

To make a quick, simple NON-tax deductible gift, you can send a Venmo donation to: @JNK_Philip-Harrison

You can also mail a check to Do You Know, LLC, C/O Philip Harrison 864 1/2 North Occidental Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026. If you don’t need a tax deduction, make your check out to Do You Know, LLC. If you need a tax deduction and must pay by check, make it out to Film Collaborative. In this case, 5% will be retained by Film Collaborative, and Do You Know Jonathan Ned Katz? will receive 95% of the donation.

We are deeply thankful to our donors who have given so generously to our film. Do You Know Jonathan Ned Katz? is an independent production and relies heavily on the support of individuals like you. Please consider donating to help bring Jonathan’s inspiring story and restorative social justice work to the world.


Brian Yorkey


The Stanley and Eve Geller Family Foundation

ANGELS ($1000 to $1999)

Justine Halliday

Sharon and John Harrison

CHAMPIONS ($500-$999)

Lisa Henderson

Holly Ramos

DONORS (Up to $499)

Nick Antosca

Gerard Brisson

Iris Cahn Do

Eryk Casemiro

Ben Cheah

S Cheslik-DeMeyer

Mark Dashnaw

Joanie Deiner

Michael Dewar

Beth Dewey

James Doyle

Alexandra Guerineaud

Donald and Joan Grossman

Melody Harrison

Karla Jay

Kevin Jennings

Jim Kiely

Barbara Kwong

Susan Littenberg

John Nelson

Joan Nestle

Michael McKee

Mary More

Melissa Remenarich

Jeffrey Schwarz

June Schwarz

Michael Schwarz

Shelby Seigel

Ishai Setton

Marc Stein

Shelly Westerman

Rodney Wilson

Albert Wolsky

Cookie Woolner